TZ Insurance Solutions agents are proud to sell Mutual of Omaha Insurance Company Medicare Supplement insurance plans. This is not the official Mutual of Omaha website.

Plan Comparison

Medigap Plan F is the most popular Medigap plan and one of the only plans that covers the Part B deductible. However, Plan F is only available to applicants eligible for Medicare before 01/01/2020.

Medigap Plans G and N provide similar coverage, and usually have lower monthly premiums than Plan F.

Benefit F G N
Part A coinsurance and hospital costs
Part B coinsurance or copayment
First 3 pints of blood
Part A hospice care coinsurance or copayment
Coinsurance for skilled nursing facility
Part A deductible
Part B deductible $257 per year $257 per year
Part B excess charges X

Foreign travel emergency costs*

80% 80% 80%

Enjoy these benefits and more when you choose a Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan from Mutual of Omaha and its affiliates:

piggy bank

Coverage amounts that never decrease

doctor image

Access to any U.S. Medicare doctor


Nationwide coverage


Guaranteed renewability


No waiting periods for pre-existing conditions3


No application fees